Video Transcript
Hi, my name’s Martin from Avery Gardens. I just want to take a few moments to show you some of the larger domestic properties that we look after. So I’ve got three properties to show you. There’s about 20 photos. I’m just going to walk you through some of the things we do in those particular gardens. So I’m just going to reduce myself down to the corner there and then hopefully we can see the gardens together.
Grade 2 Listed Building
Okay, so this is a Grade 2 listed building, lovely domestic property. And what you can see here is the main lawn of the house, this particular properties on a number of different levels to the left of that picture is actually a swimming pool that’s lowered down surrounded by some subtropical planting.
Lawn Care
We’ve got some box hedging there, a long sort of walkway that goes down the back. You’ll see a bit more of that in a moment. So this particular lawn is a weekly cut with a pedestrian mower, cut and collected. We also do some lawn treatments on that to keep the weeds out and keep it nice and green.
New Planting
So this is a photo looking backwards from the first photo we just saw. So you can see there’s a drop in levels there, down to the end of the garden where they’ve got some play equipment. There’s quite a bit of new planting in this garden that we carried out. Herbaceous plants, mixed shrubs to give sort of year round interest.
So you can see some nice sort of curved beds there, sweeping beds. You can see there are some gaps where we’re, this is sort of an ongoing project to replant this. This particular grass area was quite challenging because it’s underneath these trees, eventually we did get that moss out as well.
Herbaceous Bedding
This is a nice herbaceous bed. There’s also some mature shrubs there, some hazel, pittosporum, some geranium herbaceous plants at the forefront there, some lamiums at the back with the nice silvery leaves. So in the summertime that’s an absolute riot of colour.
Box Hedging
So here you can see looking down the garden, we’ve got some box hedging with some quite intricately trimmed, sort of diamond shapes there, where the path leads onto the lawn. Nice sitting area. Again, mixed climbers, mainly herbaceous either side there.
Hand Weeding
So there’s quite a lot of gravel around this garden, so we usually have to either hand weed or spray those with herbicides to sort of keep the gravel down. That’s a nice yellow hypericum there. Creeping out on the pathway a bit. There’s some also, there’s some nice architecturally sort of trimmed up boxes there. Lots of climbers going around this house.
Subtropical Planting
There’s that pagoda I was telling you about. Nice sort of walkway. Very skillfully made. Not by us I hasten to add, but you can see it goes up the steps and twists round at the same time. Quite an impressive structure that. So what we’ve been doing is continuing, this is some of that subtropical style of planting I was talking to you about a moment ago.
And there’s also these fairly new roses, climbing roses. I think these particular ones are a selection of David Austin roses. And we sort of trained them up and over. This was a few years ago now, so you can imagine it’s quite mature and looks really, really amazing. So I think this is the last photo of this particular property.
It says a bit later in the season the roses are sort of out in flower, looking pretty good. I just wanted to show you this one, it’s quite an interesting feature there. So that was actually a blue cedar tree that had died off and they decided to keep the stump and make a seat in there, a unique sort of seat and surround it with a nice circular patio just to make an interesting feature.
Property 2 - Grade 2 Listed Building
Okay, so this is the second property I wanted to show you. This is another Grade 2 listed building. Quite significant lawns to the front of it, and it’s a nice sweeping driveway. So we’re in there keeping the driveway clear. You can see there’s quite a sharp, nice sharply cut edge there. The grass used to sort of spill out onto the lawn there before we started caring for the place.
So that looks really good and inviting. Mature, semi mature, mature shrubs and trees, bulbs, some herbaceous things growing up underneath from there. That’s just a look behind at the entrance there so again, you can see some of those shrubs, crocosmia, spotted laurel, range of trees.
Grass Cutting and Tree Care
That’s another view as it sweeps round. Nice monkey puzzle tree there. Magnolia. So all of these we look after. Grass cutting again. So this particular one the client likes doing the lawn himself with his ride on mower, and then we trim, trim all the edges and the banks that he can’t get to with his ride on mower.
Trimming Grass Verges
And this is just a sort of, an example of where we also do the verge where the council doesn’t tend to do it very often, but this particular client likes it. Kept a bit smarter than that. So we, what about once a month we’re in there strimming it. And you can also see we’re about time to give that hedge a trim as well.
This is a nice sort of sweeping border of lavender. We’ve got Oliver there doing a bit of hand weeding.
Domestic Property Maintenance
And then we’re on to the third property that I wanted to show you. So this is a slightly different. So it’s a domestic property, but it’s a group of houses live here. So you can see there’s three or four houses to the left and to the right of this picture. And what you can see there is a communal courtyard area.
We’ve got some nice hellebores to the left and the right there. This is quite early in the year. Yew box hedging, which is trimmed. And then we’ve got a lot of weed growth in this sort of gravel path, in this block paved draft path. So that’s all kept nice and clear.
So there’s a view there of the houses over to the left. You’ve got the lavenders. And each of them have got their own small gardens that we cut the grass on and just sort of keep, keep the beds maintained.
Mixed Shrub Borders Planted
So this is a mixed shrub and herbaceous border, so you can see we’ve just recently trimmed the edge there to give a nice edge on the lawn, dug over the bed removed any of the old herbaceous growth, lightly trimmed the shrubs where needed, and then the next photo, it’s not this exact bed, but it’s the one next to it, it’s this next photo.
It’s that same sort of planting, but a little bit later on in the season. So you can see the sedums have come out there, a nice shock of pink and then the surrounding shrubs and some of the taller herbaceous.
Maintaining Steep Grass Banks
This is the last photo I’m going to show you. This is that same site again, the third site. And it’s just an example of where they’ve got some quite steep grass banks that are regularly cut. These banks surround bin store, which you can just about see on the left there.
Okay, so that concludes the, the things I wanted to show you today. Hopefully that was of interest and hopefully we can speak to you soon. Bye for now.
About Avery Gardens
Our comprehensive grounds and garden maintenance services are designed to keep your commercial and domestic premises looking its best. We offer a range of services, from lawn care and estate management to pruning and site clearance.
Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to create a customised plan that meets your needs and budget.
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